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Difference between Training Management Systems vs Learning Management Systems


Abbreviations and acronyms are quite common in the learning industry. While you are looking for an effective solution for online training and learning, you might have come across terms, like LMS and TMS. Though similar, both of these software applications are different from each other. Confused?

Here in this blog, we are going to explore the major differences between training management systems and learning management systems.


Before exploring the differences, it is very important to understand the meaning of both terms.


Helping organizations manage eLearning is the ultimate role of an LMS. This software enables organizations to manage, create, and deliver online learning and training content to the workforce. As you may know, training is an important element to enhance your business growth. Hence, using an LMS, you’ll be able to polish the skills of your employees, teach them new skill sets and eventually improve your bottom life.Here are some of the key features of LMS

  • User management
  • Course management
  • Individual Development Plan
  • Content management
  • Skill Management
  • Web-conferencing systems
  • Assessments and quiz
  • Learning plan
  • Certification
  • Survey and feedback
  • Reporting and analytics
  • Gap Analysis


A Training management system or TMS is associated with ILT or Instructor-led Training. It helps in optimizing and streamlining the back-office training processes, for example, scheduling, reporting, managing administration activities, processing online course bookings, and sending surveys to the learners.The key features of a TMS include the following:

  • Attendance management
  • Budgeting
  • Session plan
  • Resource management
  • Batch management
  • Reporting and analytics
  • Booking management


As stated above, an LMS helps with eLearning while a TMS helps with Instructor-led Training. Hence, it is quite evident that both software applications follow different processes.

A TMS handles all the process related to training administration, like An LMS deals with processes, like
Handling registration process Creating, managing, and updating content
Scheduling training course and session Enrolling learners
Managing invoices and orders Tracking the learners’ performance
Resource and logistics management Creating training courses
Creating reports Social learning
Tracking cost and managing budgets Online assessments
Tracking performance Learner feedback
Event Tracking

Primary Purpose

The primary purpose of a training management system software is to manage and streamline all the activities that happen before and after the training session. Most of these activities can be automated, which is why small and medium scale business owners are increasingly adopting this software.

On the other hand, content delivery is the primary purpose of an LMS. It is the right tool for you if you wish to provide eLearning content to your employees. In case you are much concerned about budget monitoring, sales cycle, and operational processes, a TMS would be the right fit.


Both LMS and TMS have their own advantages that you should keep in mind while choosing between the two.

Imparts online learning to your employees. Often include the features of an LMS.
Easy to update or make changes in the learning content. Perfect for blended learning, i.e. Classroom-Based Training + eLearning.
Imparts learning to remote learners. Eliminates the need for multiple systems.
Easy to schedule learning sessions. Manage all types of administrative tasks and automate them.
Saves time and cost.

An LMS is dedicated to the learner (front office), while a TMS is dedicated to the organization (back-office). but, things are not such clear cut when you are in the market finding the best option between the two. You may come across several LMSs or advanced online learning platforms with an element of ILT and also TMSs that have the functionality to manage eLearning. In such situations, it is very important to assess your needs:

  • What do you need more – eLearning or Instructor-Led Training?
  • Where do you face more problems – content delivery or administrative processes?
  • What should be the core features or purpose of the software you wish to buy?


These questions will help you analyze what exactly you need. Consult with your HR managers and other team members to find out what will work best for satisfying your organization’s needs.

While purchasing individual software is a good decision, purchasing an LMS that also includes a TMS is the best choice for a business owner. Therefore, you can prefer to invest in both the options to offer a blended learning experience to your learners.

Selected among the top 20 learning portals in 2020 and 2019, Gyrus Systems offer innovative learning technology solutions to business owners around the world. Be it blended learning, eLearning, performance tracking, gap analysis, or certifications, Gyrus Systems offer everything. Contact today for a demo or a free trial.


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